Your late-twenties/early-thirties is a confusing time. I suppose that can be said for just about any phase of life, for one reason or another. But it’s this particular age that’s making me scratch my head today, so here goes…
Side note: has anyone else been watching the new BBC show Life Story– voiced of course, by the inimitable David Attenborough? In the episode I watched last week, the animals entered adolescence and young adulthood, so I imagine this week they’ll be covering my current stage in life: Full fledged adulthood. (WHAT)
It’s a good source of perspective, every week it’s “only one in 6 will survive,” so really- humans have it pretty easy. Especially white, North American, middle-class drones like myself… I am not blind to my privilege.
On that note, it’s not going to stop me from twisting around confused and overwhelmed about what I’m supposed to be doing at this next stage of life (and talking about it on the internet). If Life Story has taught me anything, it’s that that confusion is not just a human experience- it’s a life experience. No living creature fully knows what they’re doing 100% of the time, except maybe sponges.
(I preemptively apologize to the sponges reading this, I didn’t mean to offend you. I know you have your own set of trials and tribulations. If anything, I was complimenting you at your ability to look like you constantly have it all together- cool as a cucumber.)
(I also apologize to the cucumbers in our readership, I know you’re constantly referred to as “cool” and aloof, like the elves from Lord of the Rings, but I know things must be difficult in the garden. Dealing with bugs, too much sun, not enough water, not having any legs. It’s hard out there for a cuke.)
(I’m sorry to the elves from Lord of the Rings… you know what, I’ll stop there. I’m an adult. I know what fiction is. The point is, everyone’s fighting a hard battle of one kind of another, and it’s good to remember that.)
And look at that, I took up an entire blog post totally missing the point! Like, I said, it’s confusing out there for a newly minted adult.
I’m in the middle of the bell curve. People on my facebook are getting married like crazy. They’re knocking out kids. They’re building real careers. They have built their lives, and are excelling in every aspect. Well, it seems that way anyway. Logically, I know not everyone has their lives totally together, and that people on social media are just cropping out the sadness or confusion, choosing only to broadcast the highlight reel of any given year. I get that, we all do it.
Still, for those of us that are not CEOs, married to other CEOs, with 3 kids you conceived without any difficulty whatsoever, who you buy weird designer baby clothes for (those infants are much better dressed than me), a lovely new house with abundant natural light, and a seemingly unfathomable amount of time to vacation around the world…
I feel like a zombie. That’s the real topic of today’s post. These days I work hard, I run hard (!), I sleep (not so hard), I put food in my mouth (when I have time). Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
It really is like the opening credits of Shaun of the Dead (one of my favourite movies, mind you).
Maybe it’s January that’s getting me down. Maybe it’s the fact that I, too, am up for a rather substantial promotion, so I’m working my eyes crossed. But like- I need some enjoyment in my life. I need to stop barely scraping past as every week whips by without me noticing.
Thankfully, one of my best friends, Jas, is visiting from Zurich this weekend. It’s adventure time. Long forest walks and trips to the Steveston Jetty for fresh seafood. Pajama party snuggles and wine and talking into the wee hours. Just the thing to get me out of my zombie-like slump.
In the meantime… one batch of this granola will get you through every breakfast and snack for at least a week Prescription: one handful, at intervals, when your stomach gurgles “braaaaaaaiiiinnnns.” (er, grrraaaaaiiiinnnns…)
Cherry Almond Granola with Honey & Vanilla | Print |
- 2 cups oats (not instant or quick-cooking)
- ½ cup slivered almonds
- ¼ cup pumpkin seeds
- ⅓ cup dried sweetened cherries
- ¼ cup brown sugar
- 2 Tbsp coconut oil
- 2 Tbsp. honey
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- ¼ tsp salt
- 2 Tbsp flax seeds
- Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
- In a medium bowl, mix oats, almonds, pumpkin seeds and brown sugar.
- In a small bowl, mix coconut oil, honey, vanilla and salt.
- Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and mix well.
- Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread granola out in a single layer. Bake for 15-20 minutes until fragrant and lightly toasted.
- Let granola cool then mix in cherries and flax seeds.* Store in an airtight container.
I just discovered your charming blog today. I happened upon it on Instagram. The recipes sound delicious and the pictures are beautiful. Plus, you summed up a large amount of how I feel at the moment in your post above. It was truth. Every single word. Glad to know as an early-30s adult I’m not the only one who feels like time is passing at breakneck speed while I am barely able to acknowledge it. In any case, I think this granola may be the answer. At least during each crunchy handful I can be present in the sweet, tasty moment. I hope you both keep cooking and writing! This blog is absolutely lovely.
Thank you so much, Elizabeth! What a great comment to wake up to! Most of the time I assume people don’t read my write-ups (which gives me plenty of leeway to blether on at length), but it’s so nice to hear we’re all in sort of the same boat.