We’re coming up on three weeks of condo-free living and having a yard is still so exciting and novel for me. Every day after work (after taking off my work pants and any other pieces of constricting clothing, of course- priorities), I spend a good half hour just wandering next to the potting boxes, checking to see how much my plants have grown since the morning. Here in Vancouver, we had a few days of rain followed by several days of hot sun, so it’s been pretty impressive to see how much my plants are able to grow in just a few short hours.
This week I planted some rainbow carrots and golden beets. Of course, those won’t be ready for a while yet (the agony of waiting!), but I did track down a bundle of rainbow carrots at my local veggie shop so inspire me for future garden bounty. So beautiful!
This super simple roast carrot recipe is from Jamie Oliver’s Cook with Jamie. I made it for Thanksgiving a few years ago and have been using it ever since. It is by far my favourite way to cook a carrot!
During the first half hour of cooking the carrots are covered with aluminum foil, which means the thyme, vinegar, garlic and olive oil heat up and steam cook the carrots, infusing them with unbelievable flavour. Then you just pop the foil off and let the skins caramelize a bit and ta-daaaa- beautiful roasted carrots, a perfect side to just about any meal.
Whole Roasted Carrots with Red Wine Vinegar and Fresh Thyme | Print |
- 1 bunch carrots, washed and scrubbed*
- 3 cloves garlic
- Healthy drizzle of red wine vinegar or raspberry vinegar
- Healthy drizzle of olive oil
- Salt and Pepper
- 1 sprig fresh thyme**
- Preheat oven to 400.
- In an oven-safe dish toss carrots in vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper.
- Smash the garlic cloves with the side of your kitchen knife but don't bother peeling them. Toss them on top of the carrots along with the sprig of thyme.
- Cover the dish with some aluminum foil. By covering the dish, the carrots will steam themselves and cook through, infusing them with lovely vinegary, garlicky, thyme...y flavour.
- Place in oven and cook for 35 minutes.
- After 35 minutes, bump the heat up to 425, remove the carrots from the oven, take off the aluminum foil and give them a gentle toss. Place the carrots back in the oven without the aluminum foil to roast and colour up for an additional 10-15 minutes.
** Or rosemary! Any flavourful, woody herb will do.

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