It’s here! My last. day. before. holidays.
I can hardly contain myself. I’ve got so many lofty ideas for what I will accomplish over my days off. I will cook constantly! I will take a milllllllion pictures for the blog! I will wrap ALL THE PRESENTS! I will write a to-do list a mile long and check every- single- thing- off of it.
Except… probably not. Knowing me, it will look a lot more like this– me becoming one with my bed.
I suppose one of the things on my to-do list is “rest up for 2016.” So, that counts.
In that spirit, I’m not going to blather on today in my usual overly verbose way.
This is a martini. It is delicious. Drink these over the holidays and you will be filled with Christmas magic, just like Linda Belcher.
Raspberry and lemon are long time friends. I attempted this martini before using lemon vodka or even raspberry vodka, but I felt the flavours were too artificial and overpowering that the lovely floral flavour of the Elderflower liqueuer, St-Germain, was lost in the mix. Thus, to impart the fresh raspberry and lemon flavour, I have used them only in the muddling process, so shake that martini shaker well! The lemon oils will release when they are crushed against the ice and the raspberry membranes will break up, leaving you with a pretty pink cocktail and the perfect linger of fruit on the palette.
Top with sparkling wine because HOLIDAYS, and you have yourself a delicious, very festive looking drink that will please both classic martini fans and those who prefer a fruitier cocktail. The toughest part of this recipe is deciding when is ‘socially acceptable’ to start mixing them up (technically it’s still morning, but if we’re in double-digits, does that count? Everyone has different holiday rules for these sorts of things.)
And with that, I leave you my last solo blog post for 2016. Chels and I will be back next week, bringing you some joint-blogging love.
I wish everyone happy holidays and a safe, prosperous new year! Thank you again for visiting our quaint little corner of the internet, we do sincerely appreciate every single word of encouragement and site visit along this crazy, creative adventure.
Raspberry Elderflower Martini | Print |
- 1 oz vodka
- 1 oz St-Germain liqueur
- Splash of sparkling wine
- 1 large strip of lemon peel
- 4 frozen raspberries
- Ice cubes
- Add ice, 3 raspberries, lemon peel, vodka and St-Germain to a martini shaker and shake vigorously. Pour into a martini glass.
- Top with sparkling wine and garnish with an additional frozen raspberry to keep the drink chilled.

Hahaha, I am *exactly* the same way when I think about winter break. I had my last day at work yesterday and all I can think about now is “ooh! Which recipes should I make over the break? I can take so many photos! I can maybe even shoot two recipes in a day, fancy that!”
And wow – the photos on this post are REALLY NICE. I feel like cocktails always look so freakin’ good in photos.
Recipes made so far on vacation: 5 (not bad!). Recipes photographed so far on vacation: 0 (oops. v. bad.) haha!
Thanks, Allie! I love staging cocktails, they’re so easy to doll up- and fun to drink afterwards 😉
Hey Finn! LMAO. Me and my bff absolutely lovvvvvvvvvvved this cocktail! We can’t wait to try a million more 😉 Some people would call our alcohol consumption troubling, but we just call it Sunday niiiiiiiiiight. Anyways, gonna watch a flic about some Italian guy. If you have any other recommendations for what cocktail goes well with seasonal depression and orange peel, lmk!
LOL! You and me both, Ralph. I have recently discovered that seasonal depression and orange peel pair excellently with a classic Negroni 😉