For someone who co-runs a food blog, I am really no whiz in the kitchen. Some of the things I make are just awful. Tasteless, maybe, or just plain ugly. Those things don’t get posted, obviously, but gosh… It’s hard work to make something taste delicious, let alone stage it, light it, and take a flavourful photo.
If it wasn’t for Finn, I probably would have given up on this blog a long time ago. It’s nice having a partner in crime to keep pushing me to stay creative, try new things, and get better, whether it be at cooking, baking, writing, or photographing.
There are times (many, many times) when I get incredibly frustrated with this blog and want to give up. Sometimes I’ll spend an entire day in the kitchen, only to have every. single. thing. I make fail. Miserably. Sometimes I simply can’t think of creative things to make. Sometimes I just don’t want to spend the money buying groceries. And then I remember, hey, this is my blog, I can post whatever I darn well please.
Sure, there are millions of milkshake recipes all over the internet. I don’t need to post another one, but I can if I want to. I need to remember that I started this blog mainly as a creative outlet/personal hobby, sort of as a virtual recipe box, if you will. If I have a recipe I love, I’m going to post it. It might not be considered ‘fancy’ in the Food Blog World, but whatyagonnado.
It was purely coincidence that all our posts this week have so far been booze-inspired. Monday: Limoncello Mojitos, Tuesday: Guinness Chocolate Cake, Thursday: Bailey’s Milkshakes… Can you tell that Finn and I are having a tough week?
I was inspired to make this milkshake after having ordering one at a restaurant. I’m pretty sure it was love at first sip, and I have no idea why the simple act of combining Bailey’s and ice cream had never before crossed my mind. I mean come on, a thick and creamy Bailey’s milkshake? That’s how babies are made. I immediately knew I needed to re-engineer it so I could make it at home whenever I wanted.
It was a tough job – making and drinking milkshake after milkshake just to find the right ratio of ingredients. Sigh.
This would be equally delicious with flavoured Bailey’s. Mint? Caramel? Oh yes. Try subbing vanilla ice cream for chocolate, or the chocolate milk for regular. You really can’t go wrong.
Cheers to almost-Friday, everyone!
Bailey's Milkshake | Print |
- 1 cup vanilla ice cream
- ¼ cup chocolate syrup
- ½ cup chocolate milk
- 2 oz Bailey's Irish Cream
- Whipped cream, to serve (optional)
- Chocolate shavings, to serve (optional)
- In a blender, mix together ice cream, chocolate syrup, milk, and Bailey's. Pour into a tall glass and serve with whipped cream and chocolate shavings, if desired.

I have to make one of these (or two!) … now! :)The perfect pick-me-up as I see it! :)Thank you!
Thanks, Sher! I say make two!
The colour is fantastic. Most Bailey’s milkshake recipes I’ve seen look quite pale compared to this. I’ll be giving it a go.
Hope you like it, Jane! The chocolate syrup definitely makes it a bit darker. You could even use chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla for a deeper color!
That is so bad, but soon good. I will be making it – this weekend. thank you 🙂
Thanks, Cathy! If ever there was a sinful milkshake, this would be it.
Made one of these yesterday night, and this recipe does indeed deserve to be lauded. Doubles as a glorious dessert too!
Thanks, Nathan! I’m so glad you liked it 😀